Booking form

Breakfast is not included and costs eur 7.50 every people if you will have it (available in Hotel only).

Rates are for the room or apartament with bathroom, services, VAT and taxes included.

Apartaments rate includes electricity, public water, soft sheets, towels, courtesy set, use of furnished kitchen and final or periodical cleanings.

Pets are welcome everywhere free of charge.

ATMs and all credit cards are accepted (Hotels only).

Open throughout the year.




Book your holiday or request information using the form below.

Fill in the fields below the dates of arrival and departure in the format dd/mm/yyyy or select them using the calendar on the side of each field

Enter the personal information

Information request    Reservation

Privacy law

I give my consent to the use of my personal information only for this service*
The handling of your personal data will be done in full observance of the provisions of Italian Law 196/2003 on the protection of private data. The handling of data, for which we guarantee maximum confidentiality, is done strictly and exclusively for the purpose of allowing us to provide the services you have requested. Your data will not be communicated or divulged to third parties for any reason whatsoever and without your previous authorization, and you may ask to have them changed or canceled at any time by writing to